Course Fees

Our studio offers classes for pole tricks, chair dance and flexibility. Group classes are available via 8-week (full-term) courses. Mini Terms and single session Drop-Ins are available in the booking system. Private classes are also available!

Course Fees

8-Week Courses

Pole Level Techniques – Beginner $230
Pole Level Techniques – Intermediate & Advanced $270


Dance Choreography & Themed/Combo Tricks Classes $270
Flexibility & Conditioning $240

Mini Terms

4-Week Courses $160

Trial Lessons

1-hour Trial $15

Pole Practice

Regular (90 minutes) $13
Early Bird & Late Night (120 minutes) $13
1 Hour (1-3 pax) $130
4 Hours (1-3 pax; 5% discount) $494
10 Hours (1-3 pax; 8% discount) $1200
Add 1 more pax per hour $45


Locker Rental (per 8-week term) $60
Single Drop-In (any class) $43
Administrative fee for course changes $20
Administrative fee for workshop or pole practice changes $5


Payment via Atome is available for course fees over $300 within the same term. An admin fee applies for any Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) transactions. Check your Atome app to see if offers and vouchers are available!

How to register for courses and pay via Atome:

  1. Email us with the list of courses you wish to register for via BNPL
  2. We will send you a custom link for payment directly with Atome
  3. Let us know once payment has been made so we can book you directly into the courses


  • Minimum spend is $300 for any combination of full term and/or mini term courses within the same term by the same individual.
  • An admin fee applies for any BNPL transactions.
  • Limits are set by Atome; please contact them directly with any credit-related queries.


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